All prices in this store do not include "import duties/VAT".
Some countries can fill in the "Low Value Declaration", please check the website for details.
1. For buyers from EU member :
The local regulation is greater than 0.01€, and the buyer must pay import duties/VAT.
Some EU member states can fill in low value declarations, list: Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Netherlands , Belgium, Luxembourg.
For countries that are not on the list, real transactions need to be filled in, and buyers need to pay customs duties/VAT.
2. For UK/Turkey/Norway buyers:
For buyers in the UK/Turkey/Norway, when paying for online shopping, the customs duty/VAT is collected by the local bank at the same time. We will fill in the real transaction amount and arrange delivery.
3. For Colombian/Moroccan buyers:
According to the customs requirements of Colombia/Morocco, the merchant collects import duties/VAT from the buyer on behalf of the local customs.
4. For buyers in other countries:
For other countries, you can try to help buyers fill out the "low value statement", but it is not 100% effective.
If the local customs does not approve, the buyer has the possibility of paying taxes.
Please pay attention to buyers before ordering. Thanks.
If you have other questions, please contact us:
WhatsApp: +86 13826188736
From <Ali Fitness Equipment>
2 comentários
TRC-5001H board required
TRC-5001H board required